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Discover the new Microsoft Azure capability with Log Analytics Workplace Id and Workplace Keys in our new quick tips blog.
Read MoreQuisitive and Inform Diagnostics announce an agreement to expand their relationship to develop a real-time, biopsy tracking solution powered by Microsoft Azure, Azure Artificial Intelligence and Microsoft Teams technologies.
Read MoreIoT devices are useful but come with security risks as they rely on massive amounts of data. By combining cloud computing and IoT technology, you can capture and interpret useful data while improving device performance and increasing security.
Read MoreLearn how we helped them manage, navigate, and optimize their technology operations with the adoption of Microsoft Azure.
Read MoreCloud computing services store and interpret large amounts of data, allowing leaders to analyze and make decisions about operations, products, and staff. Access to this data allows employees to work together and analyze customer expectations and goals.
Read MoreMany industries are choosing to move to cloud migration for improved scalability, disaster recovery, mobility, security, and reduced costs.
Read MoreLearn how Intelligent Structures monitors the health of highway infrastructure with Microsoft Azure by using the IOT Hub and Azure SQL stack.
Read MoreMethods to provide internet backup connectivity at home
Read MoreWe provide the best solution for ConfigMgr Database Maintenance
Read MoreIn this blog post, we will provide some details on the “Dynamics 365” or D365 cloud solution.
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