I needed to be able to export the information from the “All Systems” query in Configuration Manager so that I could chop it up in Excel.
I specifically needed to get the workstation/server name and the IP address information so that I could determine what systems would be receiving the ConfigMgr agent. Export the members of the query to a file and go, right?
Well it wasn’t that obvious. If I do an export of the query, it exports a mof file which doesn’t contain the actual data. I was looking on the action pane so there didn’t appear to be an option that would actually export the data in the query.
There is a way to do this but it’s not on the action pane. The option exists when you right-click on the query and choose view, export list.
Summary : To export the contents of a query in ConfigMgr: Right-click on the query, choose view, and export list. This option exports the contents into a tab delimited file that’s easy to work with in Excel or other tools.