Grove City College Streamlines Scholarship Thank You Letter Process with Quisitive’s Donor Letter Management Solution  | Quisitive
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Grove City College Streamlines Scholarship Thank You Letter Process with Quisitive’s Donor Letter Management Solution 
Learn how Quisitive implemented a Scholarship Letter App to reduce complexities in their Thank You letter process and save users' most precious resource: time.
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In this case study:

Client: Grove City College

Industry: Education

Products and Services: Microsoft 365, Power Apps

Country: USA

The Company

Grove City College (GCC) is a highly ranked, nationally recognized Christian private liberal arts and sciences college located in northwestern Pennsylvania. GCC has an enrollment of approximately 2,400 full-time students, half out-of-state. They offer a range of undergraduate degrees with more than 60 majors and six pre-professional programs.


GCC is one of the few truly independent colleges in the nation, accepting no federal funding—including federal student aid—which allows them to operate free of government interference or political influence. In addition to academics, GCC is an NCAA Division III school, offering 22 varsity sports as well as a robust intramural sports program.


Grove City College, eschewing federal aid, collaborates with students to secure state grants and scholarships. Annually, about 700 scholarship awardees must submit a one-page thank you note and two personal photos to their benefactors. However, the college’s inefficient internal system has led to technical issues, repetitive work, and a cumbersome process for students and staff.

“Our staff has commented on the ease of the process and the time it has saved them. [Students] have shared this is much easier and quicker to complete. They have no complaints, which is huge!”
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The Challenge

GCC’s old internal site for managing scholarship thank you letters presented several challenges. Students had to manually download a template, write their letter, and upload it to the portal. Personalizing letters for individual donors, especially when multiple donors were involved, added to the complexity. Technical issues with photo sizing often disrupted the layout, and a strict document naming convention was required for staff review.


But that is not where the scholarship thank you letter process ended. Staff were also asked to monitor the process, urging students to complete their letters and tracking what was incomplete, but also to review each individual letter to ensure proper grammar and completion of a well-written thank you letter. These manual processes were time-consuming, prone to errors, and resulted in delays, impacting the timely acknowledgment of donor contributions.


When discrepancies arose, such as a mismatch in the final letter count within the portal, the staff would contact their IT team to retrieve any missing files from the back end. Once letters were submitted into the portal, the team would export the student thank you letters to print. However, when the Word documents were exported from the portal into a PDF document, it would cause a second wave of editing, as the export required reorganizing photos, updating the size and position of signatures, and adjusting spacing to ensure each letter was only one page. At times, some letters would get stuck in the portal and provide a pop-up error, requiring the letters to be exported individually from the portal. This cumbersome process was vital for expressing gratitude and sustaining donor relations

The Solution

The largest factor that contributed to GCC’s decision to adopt the new donor letter management solution was the ease for student submissions. Reviewing the challenges of their students in the old portal, stakeholders felt strongly that they needed to provide a user-friendly portal for student access, the ability to easily upload or complete letters, and the capability to mail merge details to eliminate the number of letters students had to complete. GCC collaborated with Quisitive to develop a Power Apps solution named the “Scholarship Letter App.” This solution was designed to streamline the entire process, saving time and effort.

"Our staff has commented on the ease of the process and the time it has saved them. [Students] have shared this is much easier and quicker to complete. They have no complaints, which is huge!"


Grove City College

The Results

The implementation of Quisitive’s Scholarship Letter App has reduced the workload by decreasing the number of letters students need. Staff members have praised the new Scholarship Thank You Letter app for reducing their workload and saving time. The app has simplified the process, leading to increased student engagement and staff satisfaction. Quisitive’s intuitive system and effective training have enabled GCC staff to easily teach others how to use it.


Both students and staff have provided positive feedback, appreciating the ease of use and time-saving features. The app also promotes a habit of gratitude among students, which they hope will carry into their future. The Quisitive team was accessible and knowledgeable, making it easy for staff to learn and pass along instructions for editing and approving letters.

The Impact

  • Time savings of roughly 10-14 hours for students and staff
  • A reduction in incomplete letters, from 70 to just 42 in the latest cycle
  • Improved user experience and reduced the time for editing and approving documents by 50%
  • Single sign-in capability with their Microsoft 365 account
  • Improved participation through a better user experience with an application
  • Automation for letters to be mail merged to specific donors
  • Assurance that all documents are accessible, undisturbed, and retrievable