Combo box control in Power Apps | Search, Filter, Large Data, Default values | Quisitive
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Combo box control in Power Apps | Search, Filter, Large Data, Default values
June 28, 2022
In this PowerApps video, you will learn all about the combo box control.

In this PowerApps video, you will learn all about the combo box control.

A combo box control is one that allows users to make selections from provided choices. Supports search and multiple selections.

A combo box control allows you to search for items you will select. The search is performed server-side on the SearchField property, so performance is not affected by large data sources.

Video showcases examples for combo box searching, filtering, default selected items, selected items, connecting to data source, search & filter large data (Delegation), dropdown control vs combo box control, combo box as people picker using Office 365 Users search, validation, Fluent UI Combo box, setting default value, limitations, performance with large data set, combobox delegation warning, combobox max items, connect combo box with SharePoint list, use display fields, search on multiple fields, search text and much more.

Video covers the following:

  • Introduction to combo box control in Power Apps
  • Combo box control properties
  • Default value settings
  • Display & search multiple fields
  • Combo box as people picker
  • Power Apps Combo box items from SharePoint List
  • Dropdown vs combo box
  • Validation, Large data, delegation etc. for combo box