Azure AD join error code 8018000a | Quisitive
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Azure AD join error code 8018000a
August 27, 2016
Read our blog.

Recently when attempting to perform an Azure AD Join with a Windows 10 v1511 computer I got the following error:

Something went wrong. The device is already enrolled. You can contact your system administrator with the error code 8018000a.

That didn’t make sense because I had recently disjoined the computer from Azure AD. I could find no reference to the object in the Azure portal either.

A Bingoogle search yielded only one relevant result… the ConfigMgr client is installed.

I knew this wasn’t the case.

So… read the error again. “the device is already enrolled”.

Checking Settings -> Accounts -> Work Access revealed the obvious: the computer was still being managed via OMA-DM (Intune), but associated with a different user.

Ok. Log off, then back on as the other administrator account.

Navigate back to Work Access and sure enough, the MDM enrollment was there. Un-enroll and bingo, Azure AD Join worked!