User State Migration Tool (USMT) Task Sequence Variables | Quisitive

Here is a list of the User State Migration Tool (USMT) variables I’ve put together for use with Configuration Manager (ConfigMgr). I complied information from the TechNet documentation.

Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Variables

OSDMigrateAdditionalCaptureOptionsx Specifies additional user state migration tool (USMT) command line options that are not exposed in the Configuration Manager 2007 user interface and will be used when capturing the user state. The additional options are specified in the form of a string that is appended to the automatically generated USMT command line.
OSDMigrateAdditionalRestoreOptions xSpecifies additional user state migration tool (USMT) command line options that will be used when restoring the user state. The additional options are specified in the form of a string that is appended to the automatically generated USMT command line.
OSDMigrateConfigFilesx Specifies the configuration files used to control the capture of user profiles. This variable is used only if OSDMigrateMode is set to “Advanced”. This comma-delimited list value should be set in order to perform customized user profile migration.
Example: miguser.xml,migsys.xml,migapps.xml
OSDMigrateContinueOnLockedFilesx Allows the user state capture to proceed if some files cannot be captured.
Valid values:
“true” (default)
OSDMigrateContinueOnRestore xSpecifies that the user state restoration should continue even if some files cannot be restored.
Valid values:
“true” (default)
OSDMigrateEnableVerboseLoggingx Enables verbose logging for the USMT.
Valid values:
“false” (default)
OSDMigrateLocalAccountPassword xIf “OSDMigrateLocalAccounts” is “true,” this variable must contain the password to be assigned to all local accounts that are migrated. Because the same password is assigned to all migrated local accounts, it should be considered a temporary password that will be changed later by some method other than Configuration Manager 2007 operating system deployment.
OSDMigrateLocalAccounts xSpecifies whether the local computer account should be restored.
Valid values:
“false” (default)
OSDMigrateModex Allows you to customize the files that are captured by USMT. If this variable is set to “Simple,” then only the standard USMT configuration files are used. If this variable is set to “Advanced,” then the task sequence variable OSDMigrateConfigFiles specifies the configuration files that the USMT should use.
Valid values:
OSDMigrateSkipEncryptedFilesx Specifies whether encrypted files should be captured.
Valid values:
“false” (default)
OSDMigrateUsmtPackageIDx Specifies the package ID of the Configuration Manager 2007 package that will contain the USMT files. This variable is required.
OSDMigrateUsmtRestorePackageID xSpecifies the package ID of the Configuration Manager 2007 package that contains the USMT files. This variable is required.
OSDStateFallbackToNAA  Specifies whether the task sequence step should use the Network Access Account as a fallback when the computer account fails to connect to the state migration point.
Valid values:
“false” (default)
OSDStateSMPRetryCount  Specifies the number of times that the task sequence step should try to find a state migration point before failing.
OSDStateSMPRetryTime  Specifies the number of seconds that the task sequence step should wait between retry attempts. The number of seconds can be a maximum of 30 characters.
OSDStateStorePathxxThe UNC or local path name of the folder to which the user state should be saved. No default.