I ran into this issue where the RMSe Installation would fail at the Data warehouse configuration during Operations Manager Setup.
The install fails at the DW installation….and a warning is seen for the Management Server Install, then subsequent red X Critical Failures below.
- OS versions = Server 2012 STD
- SQL version = SQL 2012 SP1 STD
- OpsMgr 2012 SP1
- OpsMgr 2012 SP1 cannot configure the OperationsManagerDW database files in a non default location for new User Databases
- OpsMgt 2012 SP1 is not able to write the correct data file name per this post
- Cameron Fullers Blog is similar, however the errors are different, while the issue is extremely similar
- https://www.catapultsystems.com/cfuller/archive/2013/02/13/issue-when-installing-opsmgr-2012-sp1-all-in-one-scom-sysctr.aspx
The OpsMgrSetupWizard.log states the following interesting section where the Error begins.
[14:38:27]: Error: :RemoveVssExpressWriter failed with the following exception: : Threw Exception.Type: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException, Exception Error Code: 0x80131604, Exception.Message: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
[14:38:27]: Error: :StackTrace: at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
[14:37:43]: Always: :Management Server DENAPP08.amr.ch2m.com failed to connect, now trying another one.
[14:37:43]: Warn: :Failed to connect to any SDK in the management group, trying again
[14:38:03]: Error: :Error:Could not connect to management group. Can not continue with DW upgrade…
[14:38:03]: Info: :Info:got MG connection
[14:38:03]: Error: :Error:Could not connect to management group. Cannot continue with current action…
[14:38:03]: Error: :FATAL ACTION: GetManagementGroup
[14:38:03]: Error: :FATAL ACTION: DWInstallActionsPostProcessor
[14:38:03]: Error: :ProcessInstalls: Running the PostProcessDelegate returned false.
[14:38:03]: Always: :SetErrorType: Setting VitalFailure. currentInstallItem: Data Warehouse Configuration
[14:38:03]: Error: :ProcessInstalls: Running the PostProcessDelegate for OMDATAWAREHOUSE failed…. This is a fatal item. Setting rollback.
[14:38:03]: Info: :SetProgressScreen: FinishMinorStep.
[14:38:03]: Always: :!***** Installing: OMCONSOLE ***
[14:38:03]: Info: :ProcessInstalls: Rollback is set and we are not doing an uninstall so we will stop processing installs
[14:38:03]: Always: :****************************************************************
[14:38:03]: Always: :****Starting*RollBack*******************************************
[14:38:03]: Always: :****************************************************************
I tried the following, but not limited to:
- Windows Firewall disabled and service stopped and disabled
- Service accounts are within a group that is a Local Admin on SQL and the RMSe
- Turning UAC OFF
- ODBC and wbemtest connections to the DB server from the RMSe succeeded
- Ran Setup ‘As Administrator’….
- Checked ACLs on all Drives
- Almost tried precreating the OperationsManager and OperationsManagerDW, but didn’t get to that point.
- Rebooted 3 times and spun around in circles
Perform the installation for creation of OperationsManager and OperationsManagerDW to the default location of User database files as configured on the SQL instance. When the installer completes successully, then you can manually move the OperationsManagerDW to the preferred disk.
Additional Logs:
[14:33:54]: Always: :Current Action: CreateDataWarehouse
[14:33:54]: Always: :Creating DataWarehouse Database
[14:33:54]: Info: :Info:Using DB command timeout = 480 seconds.
[14:33:54]: Info: :Adding Script files to dictionary.
[14:33:54]: Info: :
[14:33:54]: Info: :Added
to the dictionary.
[14:33:54]: Info: :
[14:33:54]: Info: :Added
to the dictionary.
[14:33:54]: Info: :
[14:33:54]: Info: :Added
to the dictionary.
[14:33:54]: Info: :
[14:33:54]: Info: :Not Added to dictionary:
[14:33:54]: Info: :Done loading scripts
[14:33:54]: Info: :Info:Connecting to Remote SQL server SCOMDB.domain.com
[14:33:54]: Info: :Info:Connecting to Remote SQL server SCOMDB.domain.com
[14:33:54]: Always: :Creating Database: OperationsManagerDW
[14:33:57]: Always: :Running first set of configuration scripts.
[14:33:57]: Info: :Info:Using DB command timeout = 1800 seconds.
[14:33:57]: Info: :Adding Script files to dictionary.
[14:33:57]: Info: :
[14:33:57]: Info: :Added
to the dictionary.
[14:33:57]: Info: :
[14:33:57]: Info: :Added
to the dictionary.
[14:33:57]: Info: :
[14:33:57]: Info: :Added
to the dictionary.
[14:33:57]: Info: :
[14:33:57]: Info: :Not Added to dictionary:
[14:33:57]: Info: :Done loading scripts
[14:33:57]: Always: :Running standard DB Configuration scripts.
[14:35:27]: Always: :Running DataWarehouse Database configuration scripts
[14:35:27]: Info: :Info:Using DB command timeout = 1800 seconds.
[14:35:27]: Info: :Adding Script files to dictionary.
[14:35:27]: Info: :
[14:35:27]: Info: :Added
to the dictionary.
[14:35:27]: Info: :
[14:35:27]: Info: :Added
to the dictionary.
[14:35:27]: Info: :
[14:35:27]: Info: :Added
to the dictionary.
[14:35:27]: Info: :
[14:35:27]: Info: :Not Added to dictionary:
[14:35:27]: Info: :Done loading scripts
[14:35:27]: Always: :Setting Auto Close off..
[14:35:27]: Always: :Running DW Sql strings now…
[14:35:27]: Info: :CreateDataWarehouse completed.
[14:35:27]: Always: :Current Action: RunDWExistingMGStrings
[14:35:27]: Always: :Running DataWarehouse Database configuration scripts
[14:35:27]: Info: :Info:Using DB command timeout = 1800 seconds.
[14:35:27]: Info: :Adding Script files to dictionary.
[14:35:27]: Info: :
[14:35:27]: Info: :Added
to the dictionary.
[14:35:27]: Info: :
[14:35:27]: Info: :Added
to the dictionary.
[14:35:27]: Info: :
[14:35:27]: Info: :Added
to the dictionary.
[14:35:27]: Info: :
[14:35:27]: Info: :Not Added to dictionary:
[14:35:27]: Info: :Done loading scripts
[14:35:27]: Always: :Running DW Sql strings now…
[14:35:27]: Info: :RunDWExistingMGStrings completed.
[14:35:27]: Always: :Current Action: GetManagementGroup
[14:35:27]: Info: :Info:getting MG connection
[14:35:27]: Info: :Info:trying to connect with server server01.domain.com
[14:35:33]: Info: :Info:Error while connecting to management server: The Data Access service is either not running or not yet initialized. Check the event log for more information.
[14:35:33]: Error: :Couldn’t connect to mgt server stack: : Threw Exception.Type: Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.ServiceNotRunningException, Exception Error Code: 0x80131500, Exception.Message: The Data Access service is either not running or not yet initialized. Check the event log for more information.