On-Demand: Build and Modernize AI Applications | Quisitive
hands hold a phone in their hand with an AI digital illustration over the phone - How to Build AI Applications, AI Apps
On-Demand: Build and Modernize AI Applications
Understand the power of building AI applications and integrating AI to modernize your current applications with this on-demand webinar.
Building Intelligent Apps 101

Understand the power of building AI applications and integrating AI to modernize your current applications with this on-demand webinar.


Designed for business and technical decision makers who have AI top of mind and plan to leverage AI technologies within their internal or external facing applications. If you are constantly seeking new efficiency, security, flexibility, scalability, and speed, this is the workshop for you.

By 2025, at least 90% of new enterprise apps will embed artificial intelligence, according to IDC.

Highlights from this on-demand webinar:

  • Why Change? Realize the Power of AI Applications: Learn why adapting to AI-driven technology isn’t just an upgrade—it’s a necessity for staying ahead in an ever-evolving market.
  • What Are the Essential Elements of Intelligent Apps? Understand the critical components that make an app not just functional but truly intelligent.
  • Add AI Capabilities to Existing Apps - What Are the Must-Haves?
    We’ll cover integration of predictive analytics, natural language processing, and more to enhance user engagement and efficiency.
  • How to Get Started - Demo: Embark on your intelligent app development journey with ease, ensuring a smooth transition into the realm of AI-enhanced applications.
  • Q&A with our Experts: Engage in a live Q&A session where you can gain deeper insights and personalized advice on harnessing the power of intelligent apps for your business.

Your Speakers:

Jimmy Ledbetter

Vice President of
AI Strategy and Services

Tom Berman


Application Development