Check a Single User Licenses and Services in Office 365 using PowerShell | Quisitive
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Check a Single User Licenses and Services in Office 365 using PowerShell
July 12, 2017
I previously wrote a blog on how to get a full license audit (including service status) for each user in Office 365. It is useful for substantial number of users, but not very practical when you want to check a single user quickly. I wrote a new script that will check a single user and […]

I previously wrote a blog on how to get a full license audit (including service status) for each user in Office 365. It is useful for substantial number of users, but not very practical when you want to check a single user quickly.

I wrote a new script that will check a single user and obtain all licenses and include service status for each sku. This script is most helpful when a user has multiple license sku’s, and you need to quickly view service status for each sku.

The script has a single parameter UPN which will take in the UserPrincipalName of a user you want to check. Here is an example of syntax and screenshot. (Note: You’ll need to connect to Azure AD (MSOL) prior to running this script, more info on that here.)

C:ScriptsCheckUser.ps1 -UPN [email protected]

Here is script download: