Internet Explorer 11 Hard Block   | Quisitive
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Internet Explorer 11 Hard Block  
January 5, 2023
Beginning mid-January, 2023, access to SharePoint Online and OneDrive from Internet Explorer 11 and Edge IE will be hard blocked.
Internet Explorer 11 Hard Block Blog Feature Image: Woman on her computer looking at browser upgrade notification

Microsoft has been talking about the end of support for Internet Explorer in their Web apps and services since December 2020. Next month they will be taking another big step in this process.

Internet Explorer 11 Hard Blocked by SharePoint Online and OneDrive

Beginning mid-January, 2023, access to SharePoint Online and OneDrive from Internet Explorer 11 and Edge IE will be hard blocked for all users. Users should access these services through a modern browser, and we recommend a modern browser such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome as a faster, more innovative browser than IE11.   

The current user experience when accessing SharePoint Online or OneDrive from IE 11 allows the user to ignore the message and continue browsing. 

The current soft block experience looks like this:

Internet Explorer 11 Hard Block - previous notification image with options to continue with IE11 or upgrade browser

After the hard block is deployed, the user will not have the option of continuing to SharePoint Online or OneDrive. 

The future hard block experience will look like this:

Internet Explorer 11 Hard Block - new notification image with only one option: upgrade browser

What do you have to do as an admin or end user? 

If you still use IE11 to access SharePoint or OneDrive content, we strongly recommend you review the following guidelines to help avoid service disruption for users:

  1. Deploy a modern browser such as Microsoft Edge 
  1. Prepare your SharePoint environment for the retirement of Internet Explorer 11 for Microsoft 365 apps and services – SharePoint in Microsoft 365 | Microsoft Docs 

The Quisitive team is happy to assist your organization in implementing these guidelines. To get in touch with an expert today, please reach out via our Contact Us page

When will the Internet Explorer 11 Hard Block happen? 

Internet Explorer 11 will be hard blocked, and you will be required to upgrade your browser starting in mid-January 2023.

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