Easy IIS log reading with PowerShell | Quisitive
Easy IIS log reading with PowerShell
February 3, 2021
Would you like to know how to easily make PowerShell reading and filtering IIS logs? In this blog, you will find out.

This is just a bit of PowerShell to make reading and filtering IIS logs quick and easy.

Get the latest version on GitHub.

Function Out-GridViewIISLog ($File) { 
   # Convert IIS log file to CSV and display in a GridView 
   # Based on https://stevenaskwith.com/2012/05/22/parse-iis-log-files-with-powershell/ 
   # Performance inspired by http://www.happysysadm.com/2014/10/reading-large-text-files-with-powershell.html 
   $Headers = @((Get-Content -Path $File -ReadCount 4 -TotalCount 4)[3].split(' ') | Where-Object { $_ -ne '#Fields:' });
   Import-Csv -Delimiter ' ' -Header $Headers -Path $File | Where-Object { $_.date -notlike '#*' } | Out-GridView -Title "IIS log: $File";
Out-GridViewIISLog -File "C:\InetPub\Logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\u_ex$(Get-Date -F 'yyMMdd').log"