Install ElastiFlow on Ubuntu 18.04 – Part 2: Installing Elastic Stack | Quisitive
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Install ElastiFlow on Ubuntu 18.04 – Part 2: Installing Elastic Stack
June 18, 2018
This blog is part of a series. Refer to the links below for the other posts in this series. Part 1: Installing UbuntuPart 2: Installing Elastic StackPart 3: Install ElastiFlow In this section, we will cover installing and configuring Elastic Stack 6.x, which will be used to power the ElastiFlow solution. Elastic Stack, often referred […]

This blog is part of a series. Refer to the links below for the other posts in this series.

Part 1: Installing Ubuntu
Part 2: Installing Elastic Stack
Part 3: Install ElastiFlow

In this section, we will cover installing and configuring Elastic Stack 6.x, which will be used to power the ElastiFlow solution. Elastic Stack, often referred to as ELK Stack, consists of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. Elasticsearch is a full-text based search engine. Logstash is a data-collection and log-parsing engine, and Kibana is an analytics and visualization platform used to display the ElastiFlow dashboards.

Please note this tutorial is designed for personal or lab environment setups, so we are not going to cover security considerations with the Kibana website. I have provided links below to additional resources if you need to set up restricted access to the Kibana dashboards.

Installing Elastic Stack 6.x

Install Java

Logstash requires Java 8. Java 9 is not supported. So, we need to ensure that we install the proper version.

Add the Oracle Java PPA to apt

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java

Update apt

sudo apt-get update

Install the latest stable version of Oracle Java 8

sudo apt-get install -y oracle-java8-installer

Install Elasticsearch

Import Elasticsearch Signing Key PGP key

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

Confirm apt-transport-https is installed

sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https

Add the repository definition to ensure you are getting the latest version

echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-6.x.list

Update aptsudo apt-get update

Install Elasticsearch

sudo apt-get -y install elasticsearch

Configure Elasticsearch to start automatically when the system boots

sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload 

sudo /bin/systemctl enable elasticsearch.service

Start the Elasticsearch service

sudo systemctl start elasticsearch.service

Install Kibana

Update apt

sudo apt-get update

Install Kibana

sudo apt-get -y install kibana

Configure Kibana to start automatically when the system boots

sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload 

sudo /bin/systemctl enable kibana.service

Start the Kibana service

sudo systemctl start kibana.service

Install Logstash

Update apt

sudo apt-get update

Install Logstash

sudo apt-get -y install logstash

Configuring Elastic Stack

Before you can install ElastiFlow there are a few things that need to be set up in the Elastic Stack.

Configure Elasticsearch

Open the Elasticsearch configuration file for editing.

sudo nano /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

Edit the entry in the Elasticsearch configuration to block access to Elasticseach from outside the server.

Set – localhost

Restart the Elasticsearch service to force the changes to take effect.

sudo systemctl restart kibana

Configure Kibana

Open the Kibana configuration file for editing.

sudo nano /etc/kibana/kibana.yml

Edit the entry in the configuration to allow external access to Kibana.
note: As I mentioned that the beginning of this tutorial this will allow anonymous access to the Kibana dashboard. If you need to restrict access, I recommend installing and configuring Nginx.

Set – <Your Server’s IP Address>

Restart the Kibana service to force the changes to take effect.

sudo systemctl restart kibana

To ensure that you can access the Kibana site externally you will need to open the inbound port on the service’s firewall.

sudo ufw allow from <Your Server's IP Address> to any port 5601 proto tcp

On your local computer open a web browser, navigate to the Kibana URL, and confirm Kibana loads

http://<Your Server’s IP Address>:5601/

If you see a page load similar to the one above, then everything is set up and ready for you to install ElastiFlow.

Part 3: Install ElastiFlow

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