This script was presented by Cameron Fuller and the meat of it was written John Curtiss. This script will allow you to reset a specified monitor on all systems by just passing the monitor’s name.
To execute the script, save it as a .ps1 and pass the parameters for monitor name and management server. If you don’t specify management server it will default to local host.
monitor_reset.ps1 –ManagementServer <MP Name> –MonitorName <Monitor>
monitor_reset.ps1 –ManagementServer SCOM01 –MonitorName ‘Windows Event Log Viewer’
# Set parameters
{$ManagementServer = "localhost"}
# Load OpsMgr Module
if(@(get-module | where-object {$_.Name -eq "OperationsManager"} ).count -eq 0)
{Import-Module OperationsManager -ErrorVariable err -Force}
# Execute script
New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection -ComputerName $ManagementServer
$Monitors=Get-SCOMMonitor -ComputerName $ManagementServer | where {$_.DisplayName -eq $MonitorName}
foreach ($Monitor in $Monitors) {
get-scomclass -name $ |
Get-SCOMClassInstance | where {$_.HealthState.value__ -gt 1} |
foreach {$_.ResetMonitoringState($Monitor)}